Skills for universities, solutions for companies

Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) has been striving to increase the inflow of higher value-added investments, which are directly linked to support for building a knowledge-based economy and a sufficient number of skilled workers.

Cooperation between universities and the private sector is mutually beneficial and brings advantages for:

• companies: the opportunity to nurture new talents and use the research and development capacities of universities to solve their practical problems,

• students: the opportunity to gain practical experience and get in touch with potential employers,

• the possibility for universities to improve the quality of education provided by direct connection with practice.

SARIO agency has launched the project 'Skills for universities, solutions for companies' based on program that connects companies with universities. Companies have the opportunity to design topics of diploma thesis based on problems they encounter during their work and need to be solved. Every student who chooses a topic undertake an internship directly at the company during the last year at the university.

At the same time, companies involved in the project will have the opportunity to use the additional potential of universities - to participate in joint research and development activities of universities as well as in emerging programs of professional bachelors, educate their employees and give lectures at individual faculties.

Companies that are interested in active involvement in the project can contact SARIO regional manager Alexandra Gačevičová directly at

If you are interested in consultations, visit the SARIO / Regional Offices table during the event, or schedule a meeting in advance via the registration portal.