Science in practise

In addition to the current forms of presentation of professional competencies of Slovak scientists, The Technology Transfer Office at Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (further only “TTO at SCSTI”) is looking for other opportunities to spread awareness of the capabilities and know-how of scientific teams. One of the important opportunities for the promotion of science for Slovak scientific research institutions is the Slovak Cooperation Marketplace, whose partner is the TTO at SCSTI for the second time.

Supporting industrial property protection and valuation and interconnection between academia and business. 

Research, development and innovation activities carried out for the purpose of future commercial valuation require considerable time and especially financial investments. It is therefore more than important to know your competitors and their activities to avoid infringing the rights of currently valid patents or other protected industrial properties. An important tool to detect patent novelty, to monitor the activities of competitors or to perform various analyses and statistics is the search.

In addition to free search services, TTO at SCSTI provides entrepreneurs and the public with other free information and consulting services in the field of intellectual property and cooperation with the academic community in the field of research and development.

TTO is an organizational unit of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI), a directly managed organization of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic. It is a workplace with national scope focused on providing support in the areas of industrial property protection and valuation and connecting academia and business.

If you are interested in consultations, visit the TTO at SCSTI stand during the event, or schedule a meeting in advance via the registration portal.